Follow this midlife mess in motion on a 3 month journey to the opposite side of the world
where I plan to sweep out the brain closet and unpack the shenanigans of my inner child.
God I hope they have coffee.

026 – Wat Ming Muang

in the middle of the courtyard area, the ‘day of the week’ Buddhas are lining this alter in the red cylinders to either side.
Elephant outside.
Naga outside.
Yet another elephant. Showing the importance of the name.
elephant on the roof. That is one heck of a strong roof.
Statues line both sides of the viharn.
Naga guarding the stairs.
the monks get nice beds to sit on in temples.
this viharn has srings hanging in it. Like a web to catch believers. Not really, but it looks like that.
still not sure why they appear to eat each other.

All kinds of pure white yet colorful things

zodiac monkey

zodiac dog or tiger. not sure.
these guys are not doing their job. One asleep, and one hiding in the ‘bushes.’
Elephant Naga.
Very unusual.
Very colorful
the shrine to the king and queen
Fierce little guy protecting
the king and queen alongside
his guard cocks.

Proof I was here shots

The Ming Muang stupa

Imagined by:

