Follow this midlife mess in motion on a 3 month journey to the opposite side of the world
where I plan to sweep out the brain closet and unpack the shenanigans of my inner child.
God I hope they have coffee.

019 – Slow boat

Random scenery pics from the 2 day trip

Life on the boat

headed to the boat.
inside area
lay down leisure area
Lunch on the boat. Meal two of day one. So much food!

Pha Ou Cave

What the steps lack in number, they make up for in height.
two steps to my waist. Lord.
the trip down the cliff.
Unusual statues.
quite the view
I suppose this is a tongue perspective.
the main alter.
making offerings for making merit.
woman offering her morning prayers
some of the statues
whole bunch of Buddha
Not sure what this is for, but it looks like the boat moves down the rail.
You can see in the distance where the two rivers converge. The water color changes.
teeth of the cave
the rivers converging.

The new dam

part of the dam. The water will be as high as the upper road. 30 meters.
making progress now, but behind because of covid.
the waters are very turbulent here right now.


the patio area at the hotel in Pak Bang.
boats at the dock for the night.
Hotel doggo. tired from a long night of barking.
scooters are everywhere, but here they barely make it up the big hill.

Looking for Gold

woman panning for gold and apparently doing laundry.
I don’t know if they found anything, but they were sure working on it.
a dredging boat.
construction equipment digging up the shores to find gold.
Not sure what this had to do with mining, but the guide said that is what they were doing.

Farm Village

boats docked by the Farm village
drying to make brooms.
the blue house. I have no idea.
village doggo
more village doggos
kids and dogs were everywhere.
their fences
at the top of the hill, entrance to the village
cattle wander through town
yes. roosters.
the important stuff.
they even have garages.
village doggo going to the beach.
the beach hill we had to climb to get to the village.

The Final stretch on the river

our first view of ‘the friendship bridge from the front of the boat.
fish on a building. No idea.
temples and big buildings on the Thai side.
I have no idea. I’m just going to let your imaginations run with it.
we would drive over this bridge after we docked and went through Laos customs and before going through Thai customs on the other side. somewhere in the middle, they switch which side of the road they drive on. Did not figure that out.
apparently it is a thing to drive onto a sandbar, have a picnic and hope you can get your car out after the tide comes in.
large outdoor entertainment venue on the Laos side.

Imagined by:

