Follow this midlife mess in motion on a 3 month journey to the opposite side of the world
where I plan to sweep out the brain closet and unpack the shenanigans of my inner child.
God I hope they have coffee.

056 – Lucky’s and Deep Green Valentine’s Day

Since it was Valentines day, MJ wanted to do something special so we joined her friend Gabby for dinner at a place called Lucky’s.
It is called Lucky’s because that is the name of the cat. Lucky. Lucky runs the place, but, according to Gabby, the owner is the most wonderful chef in the world, and she makes a schnitzel that is to die for.
A schnitzel in Thailand I thought a little odd, but I’ve been here a while. If Ronald McDonald can pray outside of his restaurants, I am sure a schnitzel is possible.
At first, we were the only ones at the place, but soon someone walked by and Gabby said the food is good! Come on in.
Then another family roamed by, and in 5 minutes we had almost tripled the population of the restaurant.
Wonderful for the owner, but she was the only one working, so also difficult with the sudden onrush.
I met Gabby and we met the others who came in, and then I had the honor of sitting next to Lucky while I ate, because apparently the chair next to me was Lucky’s spot.

After the meal (I did not have schnitzel, but the others did) we went to have drinks at a place called Deep Green at Deejai.
Mind you, I do not partake in recreational… anything, but we will call this fun. I was simply following MJ and Gabby on their adventures for the night.
So, we arrived at a nice little place with a bar and apparently food. It was happy hour so buy 2 get one free.
I had a coke and let the ladies split the third drink. Yes, I’m back on the soda. I guess I do partake in evil things, and tonight everyone was drinking!

So yes, it took me a while to realize the giant black lit eyeballs on the back wall were sitting next to a tree house. And it took me a hot second to study the display near the bar which appeared to be a museum to the bong.
The name ‘deep green’ certainly implied something I was not smart enough to understand, but here I sat as the atmosphere started to soak into reality.
The one thing I did note on the way into the establishment was a set of samurai style swords on a stand on a counter by the bong display.
Is anyone else even a tad bit surprised at that? My first thought was ‘neat swords.’ My second thought was ‘what idiot put them in a bar where anyone could pull one out and go all… murder streak on the population of the bar.’
And then I realized we were the population of the bar. Of course, Gabby and MJ were now here, and the population again, almost tripled after a few minutes. It is like a magnet or something.

But, with the increased population came the idiots who would proved me reason to shake my head and roll my eyes.
One of the new patrons pulled a sword from the saya, swung it around, and thankfully replaced it before the floors got sticky with blood instead of spilled drinks and heat. Talk about the perfect setup for a Valentine’s day massacre.
It was not long after that incident someone tripped down the stairs of the tree house (which was the first moment I noted it was a tree house with people up top), and I decided to go.

It was interesting that I, out of the 3 women, is the only one who is married. I, out of the 3 women, felt no need whatsoever to note Valentines day, let alone celebrate it.
I did call the husband and said I sent him a bunch of snow for VD, since he plows snow and likes the income.
I was also the only one who felt no need to stay up or out, and since they needed to catch up, I caught a ride home and hoped no one with sinister intent noticed the swords.

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