Follow this midlife mess in motion on a 3 month journey to the opposite side of the world
where I plan to sweep out the brain closet and unpack the shenanigans of my inner child.
God I hope they have coffee.

020 – Mae Fah Luang Art & Culture Park

Wood Guard lions. Unusual
Watch out. This one climbs ladders.
The Lilly Pond the lions are guarding. Spoiler alert, the next pics are of lillies.
This is one hell of a strong staircase to hold all those elephants.
Happy guard dogs
I have no idea but it looked unique.
Or maybe they are hungry
Pieces from above entrances of old temples
Looks the same but different. Or as the Thai say Same Same but different. I suppose that was repetitive.
They do a lot with things over doors.
This elephant was taking a break.
This dog has shoes and a mohawk. And is guarding a mini elephant. Go ahead, praise my observation skills.
This a big candelabra. Liked the peacock
Another candelabra
The lion uses the drums to call the people in when the temple is being attacked. Or other such nonsense one might read on the internet and believe because it looks official.
These teak panels surrounded the building. I think they tell a story, but I don’t read Teak.
They look like bird houses, but they are mini shrines for mini monks.
This tree had neat bark. Very colorful. Or, an artist was cleaning out brushes. Not sure, but it looked neat.
Pretty but sharp.
Not sure if this was dead or natural bloom on this one.
This might be the above bloom on coffee.

Big leaves

This tree was wearing a leaf dress.

Teak Art

Happy Doggo Statues!

Just out watering the dog.
Ready to pounce on the sprinklers.
Just getting a drink.

Imagined by:

