Follow this midlife mess in motion on a 3 month journey to the opposite side of the world where I plan to sweep out the brain closet and unpack the shenanigans of my inner child. God I hope they have coffee.
018 – Luang Prabang final look
street vendors starting to set up for the night market. It is a huge production around 3 pm.I think this would be a wonderful building to have. I could entomb my diaries in glass cases so archaeologists in 200 years might believe me important. Especially if I add shiny trinkets and gold leaf the doors.on the evening of my last day in Luang Prabang, I found a map of the area. Should post that somewhere more obvious, but it is a nice souvenir photo.I took this picture for my kids who were with me when I bought mannequins on my birthday so many years ago. You won’t know if I purchased them or not until I get home. Wandering around the city I found this nice, completely abandoned park area with a statue so I thought I would go in and take a picture.Lined up my shot, nobody anywhere to be seen, and this child… runs into my photo and settles right in the middle. Nobody. Not even traffic driving by. Child dropped into this picture by the Goddess herself. It is a constant theme in my life. And the statue is applauding him and chuckling at me. Nice try, camera girl. Nice try.5 minutes and he did not move. The statue mocked. I left.Flagged down my first Tuk Tuk all by myself. Had to give him directions to where I was going, and the 4 ish year old kid had to translate, but I got there. I tipped the kid.So this is a thing here, and I am shocked it is not a thing in Iowa. Maybe it is. I don’t know if this guy is depressed or has friends to help him, but someone will be happy tonight. Oh, and Beerlao is the preferred beer in the area. Or I am told it is the best.
And I leave you with random street doggos. I love that they are everywhere.