Follow this midlife mess in motion on a 3 month journey to the opposite side of the world
where I plan to sweep out the brain closet and unpack the shenanigans of my inner child.
God I hope they have coffee.

013 – Bai Dinh

Buddah Row

Hang ten; Happy Intellect; and Stop in the name of love
Chill & F off; Good gravy why did they put me here; What the first guy said.
I’m so going to hell and I don’t care.
Is it wrong to want to harm the person who decided this would be my eternal pose? I look like I’m about to Tango.
Give me food; Stop trying to explain yourself. You are wrong. Chillin’ with the dog.
My spirit statue. Chillin’ with the dog.
Trying to be serious; You are a moron, shut up; Don’t slap me, it was funny.

Everything glitters in a very big way

crane on turtle with flower statues are everywhere. Poor turtle.
I wanted to do this type of thing on the new house. I think roof dragons are cool.
and stair dragons. Not the poinsettia thing, although those are everywhere in Vietnam.
poor turtle.
This is my speed of Buddah
Buddah butt
Always with the stairs.
Had a clear shot of this at base of pagoda. No tourists. No idea what it is, but no tourists.

Views from the top

Time to go and proof I was here

Imagined by:

