Follow this midlife mess in motion on a 3 month journey to the opposite side of the world
where I plan to sweep out the brain closet and unpack the shenanigans of my inner child.
God I hope they have coffee.

011 – Tam Coc Boat Ride

Bridge we biked over earlier in the day. We stop take photo, so I took photo.
On the edge of tourist civilization
stones in the marsh
Cemetery, or something like it.
I would not bury dead this close to a river, but to each his own
Starting to think this is one long graveyard
But wait, there’s more…
Certainly breaks up the skyline.
Ah, a hill without man made stones
boat traffic
Sheer face
Annoyed so many boats are around, but they do add a color pop to pictures
Note the monuments at the top. I’m going up there… I think.
Our first cave
A perfectly aligned photo op and the bird turns around. So, here’s a birds butt.
rice fields
They see a camera, they pose.
random rest stop
I can barely walk and they are leisurely rowing boats with their bare feet.
a wall for some reason
another cave
this one has teeth
The mountains are tall here.
Yet another cave
the caves look so innocent from a distance
looks empty and innocent enough
rowing through the caves. Probably thinking about what to make for dinner.
Sure hope this mountain has a good foundation.
Another cave

random scenery
more random scenery
looks like a plow or something. Could be a motorized catapult.
random shrine
very tall and slanty
less slanty. I suppose I was slanty.
how trees grow on this stuff is beyond me.
Yet another picture of a rock. This one has clouds.
random shrine, but we’ve seen this one. Must be on the way back.
boat traffic in rice field. sigh.
Vietnamese Scarecrow. Or scare crane…. or it might just be laundry.
Water Lilly at periscope depth
It is a pretty mountain, but I wouldn’t want to climb it.
Damn photo-shy birds
I guess the scare laundry doesn’t work.
Or they need more scare laundry
I hope he catches whatever he’s searching for.
still on the river with the traffic.
Now that is an interesting rock.
Interesting rock up close
I am glad to report this shrine did not move while we were away.
back at the graveyard
stones are still there
The shops near the jump off point.
The jump off point for this ride. I believe it is a hotel on the left.
My first shenangster, Teresa and the tired boat guy

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